technology success story

GeneXus Next: A new era in software development

Imagine a future where software development is accessible to all businesses, regardless of their size or technology background. Where designers, developers and testers can work together on a single platform, understanding the same language. Where the development time is record and the quality of the final product is impeccable.

This future is now a reality thanks to GeneXus Next 🙌, the software solution from the Globant company. GeneXus Next combines deterministic symbolic AI technology with LLM (Large Language Model) technology to create unprecedented software solutions in a short period of time.

How does GeneXus Next work?

👉 Let's go in parts, what does LLM mean? Large Language Model are artificial intelligence tools capable of reading, summarizing, translating texts, and predicting future words in a sentence, allowing them to generate sentences similar to how humans speak and write.

With its new AI assistant, GeneXus Next provides a common layer to bridge the gap between the different profiles of professionals. And best of all 💪, natural language requirements can be used to create complex business workflows, model data, generate interactive user interfaces, or develop system functionality with audio instructions.

What did the executives say about GeneXus Next?

“With GeneXus Next, we add the technology of Large Language Models to be able to use written or spoken natural language, sketches or drawings as inputs. Any company will be able to develop software quickly and easily"

Guibert Englebienne.
Co-founder of Globant and Chairman of Globant X

🗣 For his part, Nicholas Jodal, CEO of GeneXus, believes that:

"The union between the comprehension capacity of Generative AI with the deterministic code generation capacity of GeneXus (Symbolic AI) will allow any organization to create high-quality business systems in record time ".

Martín Migoya, co-founder and CEO of Globant, affirms that the company has been at the forefront of the AI ​​sector for the last 10 years. With GeneXus Next, they continue to innovate and make it easier for companies to build digital products and reinvent their businesses for sustained growth.

GeneXus Next promises

🤓 We can't wait to try it, we already signed up for the waiting list, if you haven't already, you can enter this link 👉 GeneXus Next.

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