
ChatBot Development 2021

The use of these helpful robots was already in sustained growth back in 2019, without going any further in 2018 Gartner blogged the following note:

“By 2021, more than 50% of companies will spend more per year on building bots and chatbots than on the development of traditional mobile applications.”

This without taking into account the Covid-19 context, leading the ChatBot to stardom, as a solution to the sudden rise in communication demand between companies and clients, produced by compulsory social confinement.

Currently it is one of the fundamental tools in the digital transformation of companies, which is nothing more and nothing less than: digitize, automate and optimize customer service.

Another impulse What led chatbots to occupy a predominant place in companies was, in mid-2019, WhatsApp's decision to market its API, granting the possibility of adding or linking external and/or customizable functions by opening a world of possibilities.

Why yes, ladies and gentlemen! Chatbots as number 1 quality allow integration with instant messaging applications and social networks: WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat, Messenger, facebook and more, which is where your current and potential client is safely today.

But what can they do for us?

  • Start more conversations between your company and potential customers.
  • Provide information instantly.
  • Filter and classify frequently asked questions.
  • Take the customer through the most convenient paths (automate sales processes)
  • Availability 24/7.

So if there were a kind of “digital Chinese horoscope”, without a doubt, 2021 is the year of the Chatbot.

And you already have this tool?... And your competition?...

Ok, now think about what you do repetitively, necessary and that demands time in your company:

would you automate it with a chatbot?

Are you ready to move on? We help you.

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