GeneXus UpGrade

What's New in GeneXus 17 U10

Better design for multiple devices.

The U10 update of GX17 was presented at the end of June. Through the web they communicated that:

"this upgrade comes empowered, integrated with Figma and accompanied by a new sample that corroborates the speed of development for multiple devices, using our Angular, iOS and Android generators"

In addition, the company announced that with this update, Figma-loving designers can provide their designs made in the tool to be integrated into the GeneXus knowledge bases, and thus quickly obtain prototypes built by the low-code tool.

Also Apple's generator incorporates the generation of XCFrameworks modules for use in iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS, which gives benefits to modularize and in general a state-of-the-art internal architecture to these solutions.

The company presented an e-commerce, multi-device, created with Sketch in record time, called Plant Care and you can find it on the GeneXus wiki. Here is the link to try it out PlantCare - ECommerce Sample

Have you already tried it and what do you think of the update?


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